Wednesday, 11 July 2012

An Appeal: Religion is JUST A DRESS!

Religion is JUST A DRESS
What is a religion?
For us, it is nothing but one way out of a million to reach the ultimate soul of this world – God.
Then Why I cannot understand the reason behind houses burning on grounds of religion, people killing each other in mad spree of blood all over the world, boys and girls suicide just because their families said they belonged to different religions and caste, why is it all happening just because of the differences we, humans, have created amongst us!
According to me, these differences are because of two reasons:
One, we have wrongly interpreted our Ancient Holy books or philosophies and teachings. Why? Because as far as I know, no religion asks us to hate anyone, nor does it asks us to discriminate. As far as I know, every religion has asked for unity and peace, and nowhere does it say that we should hate the others.
Second, we are simply too weak to accept anyone different from us. We simply are unwilling to adept to someone who is not like us. Well, to tell you something curious, everything in this world is different and it is because of these differences and diversity that we are surviving today.
For us, Religions are but simply dresses that we wear made by Great Artists (Religious preachers, or different names of God). But for once, the truth remains that we are simply trying to explore one God from different viewpoints. But simply wearing different dresses is no reason to hate someone or discriminate! After all, they are only dresses, humans are still the same two-eyed, two legs, two hands, one mouth, beings, then I see no point in killing someone just because he wears a dress we do not like!
Without bragging too much, I appeal to all of you who read it, Act Mature now! And stop all the nonsense. For once, if the adults of the society are unwilling to change their mentalities, we Youngsters should accept what is wrong! For the time gone is gone, but what is in our hands is what is our destiny. And it is in our hands to make a place united, rather than divided. Simply ignoring or accepting the wrong is equally wrong as the wrongdoer himself. So change!
Let us not scorch the soul of this world with scratches in names of religion. After all, which God asks us to hate, fight or kill others? If any, I despise him and you should too.